Friday, July 24, 2009

Superhero Supershow!

Coldplay Dallas, TX 7-21-09

There are few things in life I hate more than the drive from Houston to Dallas. It is long and boring. But to see Coldplay I would drive just about anywhere. If you live on the south side of Houston and need to get to the north side of Houston, as in going to Dallas, you have 2 choices: before rush hour or after rush hour. I didn't really want to leave so early, but I-45 is always under some kind of construction and the fear of not making it into town on time freaked me out, so early Tuesday morning I let out for the Big D.

I was happy to discover that since my last voyage to Dallas a Buc-ees was built about midway between the two cities. For those that don't know what a Buc-ees is, it is a famous roadside store that has more stuff than you can shake a stick at and super fancy, well for a road side stop, bathrooms. They have billboards every couple of miles with crazy sayings and a pic of their mascot, Buc-ee the Beaver. "Eat Here, Get Gas" " OMG! LOL! It's a beaver" ahahaha I do love the Beaver alerts.

Once I got past Buc-ees I had to find something else to amuse myself with. I had mentioned on the Coldplaying message board that we should all wear a superhero costumes with a red capes since it was the band's first show after the release of the new Strawberry Swing video. Well in my bordom, I started thinking about how I could make one in my hotel. The more I thought about it, the more I smiled. OMG how crazy would I have to be to wear this to the show. What the hell, I'll stop off at a store and see if I can find the stuff to throw it together. I'll have time to kill and it will give me something to do besides sit at the hotel and freak out. So I stopped off at the Wal-Mart near my hotel and bought a blue t shirt, some red, yellow and purple material, no sew fusable interfacing stuff and a travel sewing kit. Checked into my hotel and started working on my costume. First I drew the moon from the video on the front of the shirt, then used the interfacing to "glue" colored stripes on the sleeves. I then used thread to attach my cape at the shoulders. I was giggling so much while I was making it. After it was done I had to decide if I would actually wear it to the show. I don't know any one in Dallas, so who's going to see me dressed like a spaz. What the hell, I'll wear it to the show.

My hotel was only 10 minutes from the venue, so I left around 5pm to go down there. Got some interesting stares at the hotel. I guess Dallas has never seen a superhero before. Got to the venue and not too many people where there yet. Mostly people in line for the lawn and the Pit. I sat in my car until gates where open because it was hot as hell out there. Got more stares on my walk in. Once inside stopped off at the Oxfam booth and Soha just loved my outfit. She took my picture. Passed Jackie on my way to my seat and she just shook her head at me.

I found my seat and was excited to see that the band would be exiting the stage just in front of me for the C Stage but kinda dissapointed to find that my seat was so far over to the side because I couldn't see the backdrop on the stage. Oh well, row J turned out to be the second row, so that was cool. I sat and waited.

I guess the red cape thing was a good idea because it made it easy for fellow Coldplayers to find me. First I met jenflor and her hubby on their way into the Pit area. My seat was right next to the Pit entrance. Then Technicolour TX and his girlfriend came by to say hi. They were sitting at the back but saw my cape and came to say hello. MrMan78 came over and found me and hung out for a while before the band came on. It was great meeting people I talk to all the time on the board. The secuirty guys working the Pit entrance asked me if I was someone famous because all these people kept coming over to meet me. Yes I am a super hero damnit! LOL

While waiting Marta came by and I yelled her name and she came over to talk with me. Marta is part of the touring crew and she is a sweetheart. She said she got picked up for the European leg and so she will be at Wembley with us. Woot! Then she showed me the Super Secret Official Coldplay Roadie Handshake!

This was my first show seeing the current opening acts. Kitty, Daisy & Lewis are a rock- a- billy sounding band and the crowd seemed really liked them. Good music for a Texas crowd. Mariam and Amadou are from West Africia and play africian/rock/funk music. I loved to hear Amadou announce the songs and talk. I am Amadouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Welcomeeeeeeeeeee.

Finally openers finsihed and the crew started setting up for Coldplay. Black curtain down......U2 "Magnificent".....JayZ.....Wayne out with Cowboy hat and broom stick "horse" to dance.....Blue Danube clap along....lights out!.........the opening notes of LIT and the crowd goes starkers! The band come out with the sparklers twirling and I feel someone tap me on the shoulder. I thought it was someone wanting me to move so they could get to their seat, but it was Marta there to dance with me. :)

During LIT was the first time I saw Phil. He was on the side extension of the stage where the band would have to walk when they exit later for the C Stage and he ran right past me. I tried to get a pic but he was too fast and it was too dark. I saw him again during Yellow and got a few pics of him. He was out watching just like everyone else.

During the B Stage set, after GPASUYF and Talk, Chris made a speech about how horrid his hair looked on the big screens. Well no shit Mr Martin! They have these things called barber shops and they cut people's hair at those. You should look in to that right away. He then announced that he was changing the set list and then they would go into the regular set and launched into TROUBLE! OMG, it was lovely and the whole audience was so quiet while he sang it. He then messed up the lyrics and cut it short saying "that's enough of that". It was beautiful while it lasted.

After Lost, I got ready because I knew they were coming my way. Franksie was right by me walking around making sure everything was ready. He gave my cape a thumbs up. Security had already blocked off the row and Kelly was waiting for the band at the edge of the stage. Jonny was first off the stage and I called his name and he walked out of his way to come over and give me a Hi 5! SCORE!!!!!! I was so excited.

When Chris came out for the encore to make the announcement about the LRLRL CD, he said it would be a long time before they came back to Texas and everyone boo'd. He then said he wanted everyone to give a big boooooooooo all together, so we did, then he did this crazy man mad laugh. It was so funny.

It was great show and a fun time.


Life In Technicolor
Violet Hill
In My Place
Glass of Water
Cemeteries of London
Fix You
Strawberry Swing

B Stage:
God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
Postcards From Far Away

Viva La Vida

C Stage:
Green Eyes
Death Will Never Conquer
Billie Jean
Viva La Vida (Remix Interlude)

Lovers In Japan
Death And All His Friends

The Scientist
Life In Technicolor ii
The Escapist (Outro)

Videos on my Youtube Channel

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