Saturday, July 25, 2009

Home, home where I wanted to go

Coldplay Houston, TX

Finally, seeing Coldplay at home. But do I get to lounge about that day and not travel? Of course not. I had seen them the night before in Dallas so my day started there. I woke up around 10am, showered and packed. I had to be out of the hotel by noon, so I waited until then to check out. Went and grabbed some lunch. I was starving after eating food from the vending machine after the show last night. Started the drive to Houston. Since I live about 45 minutes south of The Woodlands and would be getting into town close to rush hour, theer was no point in going home. The plan was to just go straight to the venue and hang out there til show time.

Unlike the trip to Dallas, I had full intentions of stoppping at Buc-ees on the way back. Gased up JB ( that's my car's name) and then went inside. Buc-ees sells every candy known to man and they have my absolute passion at this point in my life. The holy grail of candy.....Cinnamon Mentos! Ha! I love them. I have caused several of my co-workers to become addicted to Mentos and have spoke often of the coveted Cinnamon flavor but we have not been able to find them in the stores near us. I have only found them at Hobby Airport. I take a pic with my phone and text-taunt them with a shot of the 5 rolls I purchased. Then back out on the road and another 2 hours til The Woodlands.

I got to the venue around 5 and sat in my car polluting the greater Houston metroplex by sitting with my A/C blasting and talking on the phone with Lori. Sorry, but it is so frickin hot and gas is cheap right now. Around 5:30 I walk over to the venue. It's the first time I have been there since the place was trashed by Hurricane Ike and they remodeled. It has a new roof, which looks pretty much like the old roof and they shortened the lawn by adding more reserved seats. They still have those bloody white poles that block people's views. Gates opened, thank goodness because there was zero breeze blowing, no shade trees and crushing heat. At least I wouldin the shade under the roof.

I find my seat. Last night in Dallas I sat on Jonny' s side right where they would come off the stage to go to the C Stage. Tonight my seat is on Guy's side, right where they will come off the stage for the B Stage. YAY! Another Hi 5 from Jonny I hope. I am the only person in my section. The cute little man that is the security guard with the exciting task of opening the gate to allow Mr Buckland to walk with in touching disatnce for me is rather excited I am there so he has someone to talk to. There are 2 other security guys, one a young guy that is stationed by the butterfly cannons and the other guy down by Guy's ramp. Then they have a big "venue security guard" meeting right next to me. The supervisor comes to tell them when they need to close off the aisle and how long to keep it closed and all that kind stuff and he hands out a set list to my new found security buddy working the gate as he will have to make sure the gate is open. I ask Mr Supervisor, can I get one of those? Sorry we can't give them out before the show. Well poo. Meeting ends and I start talking to the guards. Here's a tip kids, make friends way before the show and ask for the set list then. That way when the crew start handing stuff to the guards to hand over to people, they will give them to you. So I ask if I can have his list when the show is over and he says sure, no problem. Then he says, I have to start getting rteady during Fix You. Will I be able to understand what he's singing so I will know what song is Fix You. No worries my friend. I am here to assist you. Once they start playing I'll tell you what song they are on.

Marcus (mrman78) came and met me at my seat. He was seated in the next secion and was also at the show alone, so we hung out and talked until Coldplay came on stage. He didn't get to see Kitty Daisy & Lewis in Dallas and only part of Mariam and Amadou. We aggreed that Amadou's announcements were awesome. Thank you Coldplayyyyyyyyyyyyyy.

Before Coldplay, more talks with security dudes. Butterfly cannon dude wanted to know when those giant things were going off and what exactly would they do. I showed hima paper butterfly and asured him it was only the most awesome thing he would ever witness. hehe Then showed him on the set list when that would be taking I could get a look at the set list, sneaky huh! changes on the written list but Chris could maybe do another "live" change. Then turned my attention to the rather tall guard next to Guy's ramp. He was tall, too tall. He would be in all my pics and worse, my camera would want to focus on him and noy the band. I saw a chair folded and not in use. So first I ask gate guard , can I ask that ramp guard if he wants that chair, because he is too tal for that position. You need to be hiring some midgets for down front. JHe said, go ask him. So I did and he said sure. Woot! Problem solved. Then evil secuirty supervisor came and made him stand just before the show. He mouthed me a "Sorry".

Then I look up and who is standing on Guy's ramp, but Phil! I got my camera out quick and took some pics, then heard some one yell "Phil Harvey" and he ran away. Ha. Poor Phil. He's so not loving his fame.

We started hearing some thunder and I was afraid for the peeps on the lawn, but the storms missed us and a nice breeze kicked up so it got much more pleasant for show time.

Marcus went back to his seat. Crew preped the stage. Dancing Roadie did a hat and water pistol routine. The band came on and it was rockin! I thought the Houston crowd was much more into it than Dallas.

It starts getting close to B stage time, so I alert my secuirty friend. Then Jackie shows up. I am expecting her to give me her death stare, I'm sure she trains Will in this skill. But instead I get a smile and a hug! Like we are long lost buddies of the highest order! She remembered that I live in Houston! I told her about Nettie and she was stunned. After she walked away I stood there in shock.

I managed to recover and get ready for the B Stage exit. I had already be warned by security supervisor about taping, but screw him, I want video of the boys upclose. Guy is first off and I got a shy smile from him. Jonny next and another Hi 5! Woot!!!!! Then Will and I had worn my Southampton shirt and he tugged at his shirt, smiled the cutest smile ever and said "nice shirt" as he passed. It took Chris a long time to come off stage and all he did was zoom past. :( After the techno songs, the band go back to the stage while Chris stays out at the B Stage. On his way back, Will gave me a hi 5! Woo Yay! Chris ran by even faster on his way back.

The rest of the show was great. Since I wasn't taping much I just sang and danced and occasionally told my security buddies what song we were on. After Lovers, I saw that guard putting butterflies in his pockets. hehe

After the show, I got my set list from my guard friend and hi tailed it to my car. Drove home and collapsed. Need to rest up, on the Alpine Valley on Saturday!

Videos on my youtube channel

Set List
Life In Technicolor
Violet Hill
In My Place
Glass of Water
Cemeteries of London
Fix You
Strawberry Swing

B Stage:
God Put A Smile Upon Your Face
The Hardest Part
Postcards From Far Away

Viva La Vida

C Stage:
Green Eyes
Death Will Never Conquer
Billie Jean
Viva La Vida (Remix Interlude)

Lovers In Japan
Death And All His Friends

The Scientist
Life In Technicolor ii
The Escapist (Outro)

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